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Chakramama Healing Blogs

Thimela Garcia
3 min read
The Benefits of Green Tea: Why It's Good For You
For thousands of years, the Chinese have been drinking green tea that has long been attributed for its medicinal properties, which the...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
The Truth About Emotional Intelligence
Too often people confuse emotional intelligence with controlling their emotions; shutting them down and being stoic. This is a tragedy...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
What is Reiki?
Reiki is also a form of meditation used as a type of therapy for treating physical, emotional, and mental diseases. The name Reiki is...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
10 Tips for Self Care During Divorce
Divorce is a major stress. Here are tips to navigate those troubled waters. What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
Isn't It Time To Try Kundalini Yoga?
In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spine.
hatha yoga battersea
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